concepts (3) conventions (2) data structures (1) git (3) grading (1) history (1) markup (1) mathematics (1) practices (2) reference (11) schedule (1) standard library (5) syntax (8) tools (4)


Building blocks

Data types, literal values, variables, operators, and basic statements.

Math concepts

Basic mathematical concepts and computation in Java.

Packages in Java

What are the benefits of using packages? How are packages related to directories? How do we organize our classes into packages? How do we import classes and interfaces from other packages?


Common programming letter-casing styles

Definitions and common uses in Java/Android development.

DDC Java+Android Bootcamp style guide

Coding conventions and standard practices for Java & SQL code, XML documents, and JSON objects.

data structures

Math concepts

Basic mathematical concepts and computation in Java.


GitHub Git cheat sheet

Concepts and widely used commands.

GitLab Git cheat sheet

Concepts and widely used commands.

Pro Git

Comprehensive introduction & reference to Git.


Personal Android project

What is the personal Android project, and how is it graded?


Java timeline

Key milestones in the history of the Java language, ecosystem, and community.


GitHub Markdown cheat sheet

Standard elements and GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) extensions.


Math concepts

Basic mathematical concepts and computation in Java.


Common programming letter-casing styles

Definitions and common uses in Java/Android development.

DDC Java+Android Bootcamp style guide

Coding conventions and standard practices for Java & SQL code, XML documents, and JSON objects.


Common programming letter-casing styles

Definitions and common uses in Java/Android development.

DDC Java+Android Bootcamp style guide

Coding conventions and standard practices for Java & SQL code, XML documents, and JSON objects.

GitHub Git cheat sheet

Concepts and widely used commands.

GitHub Markdown cheat sheet

Standard elements and GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) extensions.

GitLab Git cheat sheet

Concepts and widely used commands.

Java methods

Concepts and syntax of method definition & invocation.

Java timeline

Key milestones in the history of the Java language, ecosystem, and community.


Arithmetic, logical, string, bitwise, reference, and assignment operators used in Java.

Primitive and wrapper types

Primitive numeric and Boolean types, and the corresponding wrapper object types.

Pro Git

Comprehensive introduction & reference to Git.

String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer classes

Classes implementing mutable and immutable character sequences.


Personal Android project

What is the personal Android project, and how is it graded?

standard library

Building blocks

Data types, literal values, variables, operators, and basic statements.


Key runtime and development tools and libraries.

Math concepts

Basic mathematical concepts and computation in Java.

Primitive and wrapper types

Primitive numeric and Boolean types, and the corresponding wrapper object types.

String, StringBuilder, and StringBuffer classes

Classes implementing mutable and immutable character sequences.


Building blocks

Data types, literal values, variables, operators, and basic statements.

GitHub Markdown cheat sheet

Standard elements and GitHub-flavored Markdown (GFM) extensions.


Key runtime and development tools and libraries.

Java methods

Concepts and syntax of method definition & invocation.

Math concepts

Basic mathematical concepts and computation in Java.


Arithmetic, logical, string, bitwise, reference, and assignment operators used in Java.

Packages in Java

What are the benefits of using packages? How are packages related to directories? How do we organize our classes into packages? How do we import classes and interfaces from other packages?

Primitive and wrapper types

Primitive numeric and Boolean types, and the corresponding wrapper object types.


GitHub Git cheat sheet

Concepts and widely used commands.

GitLab Git cheat sheet

Concepts and widely used commands.


Key runtime and development tools and libraries.

Pro Git

Comprehensive introduction & reference to Git.